About us
A place to come out of the storm
Our Story
Who We Are
Rainbow Children’s Village was established in September 2005 as a place of safety for sexually, physically and emotionally abused and abandoned children. In September 2022, we re-launched the newly renovated home as a temporary place of safety for children between the ages of 3 and 10 but exceptions can be made depending on each case.
Situated on the Westrand, the home is in an ideal position to accept destitute children from hospitals, police stations and non-governmental organisations operating in the area.
Our primary focus is to offer a temporary home to young children whose own home circumstances are not conducive to their safety and well-being.
Our place of safety is not an orphanage. Most of the children do have biological parents and if conditions improve, they are re-united with their parents.
Working with relevant governmental institutions and private stakeholders, we ensure that the children have at their disposal, counselling and support and a loving and caring home environment.
Our small team of highly qualified staff and volunteers ensure that the house is not only a roof over their heads and a place to eat and sleep, but also a home to make friends and family.
We also assist previously disadvantaged families gain access to special needs education through a partnership with Sparrow Schools.
Our Story
Our Mission

Our mission is service excellence through a safe and inviting home where the children are provided with love and care in a structured environment. Our holistic approach aims to provide the children with physical, psychological, and emotional support they desperately need. This includes counselling, physical therapy and wholesome nutrition. We strive to enshrine in all our beneficiaries the value of a good quality education. By focussing on their educational journey, we ensure that they can one day contribute to the larger objective of uplifting the country’s economy.
We aim to provide the best care to the children and always ensuring that their rights are placed first and always acting with their best interests at heart.
Our Story
Our Projects
Safe House
Our safe house provides a safe environment for abused and abandoned children that are placed in our care by organisations that are registered with the Department of Social Development. We provide a structured calm and nurturing place where caregivers are kind, fair and concerned with the welfare and wellbeing of the children. We provide services most beneficial for the children in our care and aim to support the recovery and further developmental growth of children who have experienced abuse or abandonment. These include;
Counselling and support – This includes single and group counselling with the aim of supporting the child’s recovery from trauma and abuse as well as their development into a well-rounded and happy child.
Education – Rainbow Children’s Villages employs the services of an Early Childhood Education practitioner who is responsible for assessing each child in order to incorporate the needs into our pedagogical programme. In the event that a child is school going age, we work together with the social worker to place the child in our chosen school to ensure they are not left behind in their educational journey.
Special Needs Educational Support
Rainbow Children’s Village has partnered with Sparrow Schools Education Trust to assist previously disadvantaged youth between the ages of 5 and 18 to gain access to special needs education. Through the school, we assist in preparing our youth to become self-sufficient, responsible adults through appropriate, comprehensive education, vocational skills training, learner and psychosocial support initiatives.
Sparrow Schools Educational Trust is a non-profit, non-government organisation which strives to provide young, disadvantaged South Africans with cognitive barriers to learning, the opportunity to access quality and accredited education. They ensure that their offer remains affordable while ensuring that they impart the core principles of sound educational practises. However, they rely on partnerships and collaboration with individuals, institutions and organisations willing to provide funding or donations and assistance.
Most of the families or guardians of the learners that Rainbow Children’s Village supports, face challenges in paying tuition fees. To ensure that tuition is affordable for our beneficiaries, we have created the Educate-A-Child Bursary Fund. With the funds received from donors, organisations and people like you, the fund is able to subsidise tuition fees and transport for our learners.
To find out more information about the Educate-A-Child Bursary Fund, click below:

Rainbow Angel Programme
Join our Rainbow Angel Programme for as little as R100 per month and you can assist in providing a child in need with a roof over their head, food in their tummy, a warm bed at night and a loving and caring home. Click on the logo to download the brochure about the Rainbow Angel Programme and ways to contribute to the programme.

Email Us
NPO No: 043-824
PBO Number: 930059776
064 683 4452 (Teresa)
071 229 5242 (Bonizwa)
Visiting Hours
- Mon – Sat 10am – 3pm
- Sunday: 12am – 3pm