News & Events

A place to come out of the storm

Rainbow Children’s Village focuses on raising awareness through the hosting of various fundraising activities and posting relevant information pertaining to the scourge in our country relating the child abuse. 

If you wish to be notified of any fundraising events, please e-mail to join our mailing list.

Annual Event

Watch this space!

Our Charity Golf Day, which took place on the 11th October was a resounding success.  See our news section for more information.  Our next big thing and a fundraising plan for the year will be released in early 2023.


9th June 2023

 This rainbow leads to a place of safety – Northcliff Melville Times

“Rainbow Children’s Home brings more than luck to vulnerable children. It gives the a place of safety”

To read the whole article, click the link or button below.



11th October 2022

 Our Annual Golf Day, which took place on the 11th October was a resounding success.  We welcomed 21 four-balls and visitors to Wanderers Golf Club.  The generosity of all our supporters of the day was fantastic and we raised a whopping R200 000 of which R60 000 was transferred to Rainbow Children’s Village.  The rest of the monies were donated to 3 other charitable organisations.  Thank you to all that contributed to the field, to the prizes and provided auction items.  Without this support, we would not have been able to reach this total.  Looking forward to welcoming new and regular players to our next event.

Funds raised will be put towards the purchase of a vehicle which we desperately require to transport children in cases of emergencies.


30th September 2022

An article that appeared in the Northcliff Melville Times on the 30th September, highlighted the work that we do and how members of the public can help.


23rd September 2022

On the 23rd September, Rainbow Children’s Village welcomed staff from FNB to come through and paint a rather drab wall into a colourful kaleidoscope.  Psychological studies suggest that bright colours can influence the mood and behaviour, stimulate the brain and body and even affect children’s health.  We chose bright colours so that they could have a positive effect on our children, who have been placed with us because of the horrendous conditions and situations.  Having volunteers visit our organisation has a very positive effect and impact on us and our children.  It not only teaches them that there are people out there that do care for them, but also enables us to highlight what we do and the pandemic that we are currently in, with child abuse.  We need people to spread the word and help in simple but effective ways, and having volunteers visit our organisation has a profound impact on them and us as well.


3rd September 2022

On Saturday, 3rd September 2022, Rainbow Children’s Village was officially launched to the public.  This joyous occasion was attended by those that contributed financially to the renovations and repairs of the house as well as all those that provided a service, those that volunteered their time as well as important stakeholders that will play an important role in assisting us in placing vulnerable children with us.

Below is a presentation that was compiled to highlight the huge transformation of the house into a home.

Rainbow Angel Programme

Join our Rainbow Angel Programme for as little as R100 per month and you can assist in providing a child in need with a roof over their head, food in their tummy, a warm bed at night and a loving and caring home.  Click on the logo to download the brochure about the  Rainbow Angel Programme and ways to contribute to the programme.

NPO No: 043-824

PBO Number: 930059776

064 683 4452 (Teresa)

071 229 5242 (Bonizwa)

Visiting Hours

      • Mon – Sat 10am – 3pm
      • Sunday:  12am – 3pm